Monday, January 24, 2011

#343... Been busy lately

Many wonderful thing happen for the past week. Really busy from preparation of an event to attending an open day plus a wedding to. Last week my baby Getz been kissed by this huge BMW 5 Series! Al-Mighty greatness!
I'm really glad and Syukur to be here and breath :)

My event,

The event went successfully many journalist come to our open day workshop! and the next day its a open Carnival day for Porsche....another new level of experience and me really Thankful for this wonderful experiences. Really look forward for incoming event this coming March 2011, at Bukit Bintang i guess.

Picture above shows how beautiful this bride,

Again, "Selamat Pengantin Baru Rapunzel" semoga berbahagia sehingga akhir ayat.This is a new beginning for you both, patient and may Allah bless this beautiful people till forever..Its really fun and memorable night, the galllllssss are the best geng ever! Bikin runtuh the Dewan :))
Im really Elated to there for the Rapunzel!! Lap u babe!

Last thing that i did last weekend is KL PAC open day!!! :))


The picture above show the fun that we have that day! Thru the rain pouring that doesn't stops us at all.
More picture to come, as for today i have few deadline that i need to submit, Insyallah....

JieJah's Say...
All this bulat face can do now is SMILE :)) What a fun weekend! Next agenda please?
Till then i left you with this Song... :)

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