Thursday, February 17, 2011

#384...I learned my lesson

There few thing happen lately,
Honestly I'm really thank god with this experience that been given to me.

They always time that we are on the top of the world but there is also times that we will drown into the deepest ocean..

Sometimes if you unsure you're right or wrong about something, the best thing that you can do is remain it to yourself

If you not brave enough to decide, don't decide to do it, If you need the time to think about it just explain to the other party and never blaimed other of your own stupid mistakes.

The best thing that i learned is to be calm and try to stay positive in every way Insyallah Al-mighty will guide you the way.

Many things in life that we need to discover, my suggestion be open to what people say, observed there attitudes and my last words is never judge book by the cover.

Thru all this week, after been scolded, after i drown in see of emotion, after see all this new thing that make me wonder and think.

I just wanna say, i'm glad and Syukur that Allah s.w.t had given me the opportunity to learned from my mistakes. In the same time i hope that i will grew from this mess.

JieJah's Say...In the same time i keep on listening to this song to make me calm and feel loved.

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