Monday, April 25, 2011

#375... I'm penakut.

Somehow that song stuck in ma head,
Many thing happen thru this week,
Am I strong,
Honestly I don't know,
What should I do,
Am unsure yet..

As I mention,
No matter how close or how long I knew a person,
Usually I tend to know about them more compared they knew me,
Sad yes,
But I've been thinking I will move on.

After all shite over,
I been thinking to go for a mini vacation,
Where? Me unsure yet..
But one thing for sure I need to heal my heart,
To many thing that broke this heart of mine..
Please don't ask me what or who..
I shall keep it close to mine..

All I ask is pray for me,
Keep me strong and passion with what me do..
Keep me saint and alive with people surrounding me..

0857-jiejah 25/04/2011

Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device via Vodafone-Celcom Mobile.

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