Thursday, July 21, 2011

#528...On more update


After few week of missing in action, here's few update that I wanna share with some update to all of you ;')


To me this issue is simple,
Either its big or small,
Lies is still lies..

Office politic,

I'm drowning with ma own task for the pass few weeks,
And I don't care what people think nor say,
I'm just moving on,
And keep my dateline on!
With god's will, I will manage it... ;')

Kicking out old habits

Yes, I agree with,
Old habit die hard..but on certain perspective we need to change in order for us to move on.
I'm glad and syukur few people told me straight on ma face.
All I ask give me time, and I shall prove it to myself and to others.

Running out of time,

Next month is my favorite month,
Its my month, with Ramadan month,
Time ran so quickly,
I hope I can manage it soon.

Online business,

I know its been a while I inform about our little business,
Estimated official launch its on the 1st week of Ramadan..
Do support us..

On Dory symptom,
To my deares GF,

Hanin, happy belated bday,
I'm sorry I really forgotten about yer day,
Here my wish for you,
Dear, may your wish come true,
May Allah granted your wish..
May Allah "murahkan rezeki anda sekeluarga"
And dear.... Thank you for being a freind with this Bulat face. I love u always :')

On attitude or Ego!

Quite numbered of my post related to attitudes, but today I would like to emphasizing blaming issue.
Simple, u need to look yourself to mirror. Are u that 'good' to say something like that,
Or did u realized any words that you choose could effect other people mood?
Be more considerate and think twice before say something harsh or cursing. Think again, if other people do the same thing as you did.

Maybe, one day Al-mighty give u a good lesson, just don't r! Time will tell.


On learning experience
Almost everyday I learn and gain new knowledge,
From personal to work wise I'm elated been given this experiences,
Litte that they know about me,
The good ones I will keep in ma heart,
The bad ones, I take it as a challenges!
*and never teach me something bad.. I'm afraid it will backfire u back one fine day!

On bad karma

I honestly think,
Anything that we do to people like hurting, getting someone to trouble,
Digging others people's fault....

To this person,
You know who you are,
U make other people in trouble..
I guess you forgotten about your past.

I have admit my mistakes,
But you don't have the right make me feel in hell..I thank you to you. My doa for you is may allah murahkan your rezeki..

*I'm moving on...

*Im expecting the worst for coming weeks,
But yet, I can still smile and be positive,
Why? Simple...I tried my best and I let Allah guide the way for me. Insyallah.

Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device

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