Thursday, October 21, 2010

#227...Crazy + Smiley

Morning, or afternoon to everyone or hello!
lately i notice i hardly smile by myself
but at times when i meet or hang with crazy people
i tend to laugh what i used to be..
even ma mum notice that i tend to be more quiet lately
sorry didn't mean to..
even ma superior pun ask me o.k or not
you make this bulat face blush..gosh
lately i have many things in ma mind
remembering thing that i need to do make me really accopied daily
i miss ma own smile..too


for time being me love to see people smile
it make me smile
It make ma world in full color
till then,
when the time come
i don't know when
i know in there some where..
time will heal it and make it appear again
to some people see me smile
me thank you..

but knowing now
I'm thinking about you..and others that including whats inside my universe

JieJah's Say...

P.s: A part of me having this funny day..
I would like to say Thank You to all Longkang-Longkang that make ma day as bright as a sunshine
Thank you for all the support that i received, May god bless you more!
Thank you from bottom of ma heart ;)

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