Thursday, November 4, 2010

#252...Baby, Katherine Heigl & Josh Duhamel

I caught the trailer of Life as We Know It out of the corner of my consciousness and immediately dismissed it as a waste of my time..

I saw it last week and I enjoyed the movie (and cried the whole through!) Yes! me admit me EMO! and loved how easy it was to watch despite the heavy background story line. This being said, it is a great movie to watch with your girlfriends AND men in your life! Go and watched it ;)

The acting is great including that of little Sophie! As a parent you will totally relate and observe many small details and occurrences. And I can't stop going back to the way Messer was holding little Sophie in a semi-sitting n I am carrying a ball like position that actually look very comfortable for baby. And Sophie was taking her first steps in the movie, little does this couple know what that means!

I could go on and on you know! So to wrap this movie up, here are some lessons I've learned that I need to highlight :
  • Draw up your will, your revocable trust, and guardianship instructions, especially if in the future if i have a child.and get life insurance for him or her
  • Trying not to cry, as I did during this film, makes my eyeliner all over ma eyes (and end up mata lebam macam kena tumbuk), and I should just give up earlier to the facade and weep. It’s far less painful.
  • Men who are good with kids are super sexy. Especially if they look like Josh Duhamel.
    (This is super duper YUMMMMMMMY!!!!!!)
  • Romantic comedies also bash men too much.
  • Make sure your decision about your life partner or commitment  
  • Eleven isn’t too young to be a good babysitter or whisperer.

So despite the heavy parts, Life As We Know It was indeed a distracting bit of entertainment, so go watch it guys! 

JieJah's Say...The trailer

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