Thursday, May 13, 2010

#71...Taken frm Afdlin Blog : Lagenda Budak Setan akan datang tak lama lagi!!!

When i read the title me over exited, Shoot to the moon!!
Well this novel is a nostalgia era, Huhuhuh! Ke hulu hilir bawak this book sampai sanggup baca dalam kelas, day dream like nobody's business...

Well, enough this is some info that i wanna share.I was such a big Ahadiat Akashah fan back in high school! Ahhh, Those are the day! ;)))

Hey kengkawan, berita hangat!! join filem 'lagenda budak setan' punya group or watch you tube dengan menaip lagenda budak setan and see the promo and write something how korang rasa pasal film tu or the promo. The top 30 chosen fans who writes about the promo will get premier ticket for 31st may at pavillion mall with the stars of the film. Cubalah dan support filem berdasarkan novel popula Ahadiat Akashah. Mari kita letupkan filem ini di box office.

Power to the people

Afdlin Shauki